Brief directeur LAI school

Vanaf het begin werkt PranaPlanet nauw samen met Morup, de directeur van het LAI. Samen bekijken we ieder jaar weer welke activiteiten belangrijk zijn voor de ontwikkeling van de school en de leerlingen. Een samenwerking waar Morup zeer dankbaar voor is.
In 2015 schreef Morup aan alle donateurs, sponsors en leden van PranaPlanet de onderstaande brief als dank voor alle hulp:

Alchi october 2015

Dear Supporters,

It  gives me an immense pleasure to enlighten our worthy sponsors that Ladakh Alchi Institute has completed its first decade of its educational and other relevant curricular activities for which it was established in the year 2005. During the first period of ten years the strength of the institute has increased from five students to 150 students. Ladakh Alchi Institute achieved tremendous success and popularity, which would not have been possible without the generous financial support from our most valued sponsors from Holland and other European countries. Under good guidance and supervision of the members of PranaPlanet Foundation from Holland.
The graduated students of this institute have easily got the admission in many of the premiere institutions for higher studies. They have excelled there both in academic and curricular activities. This is the goal of Ladakh Alchi institute. We hope that the graduates of this institute will brighten their careers and become a resourceful person in serving the society and nation. I on behalf of all the students, staff, parents and management committee of the school would like to express out heartfelt Thanks with folded hands to all  the individual and group supporters for their tireless noble job. May God always bless you.


Your sincerely,
